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To Find local lawyers use Attorney Genie™ for

Finding Attorneys, listed in our proprietary

Attorney Database, Attorneys Of Law

available in all Areas Of Law and Legal Actions.

Lawyer Magazines publishing

Provided by InternetSafe LLC, Lawyer Company.


Learn About us and our history.

Our dedicated pages that your website visitors open

By clicking, on our legal industry apps or Safe Certificates, open pages that may also contain important safety information, other general and not so general info about your website, where your customers read and learn many things, about your website, that we have ascertained, from our research and or was submitted by you. Information found like even your website stats, that may include, but are not limited to, website speed, business age and history, domain age and history, IP sever addresses, SSL certificate info, other info, and safety factors available. Some info may be linked to other websites for information or reports, like State Bar, State Medical board, scam advisories, Better Business Bureau (BBB) and or any other Safe Trusted risk level, or reputation, reporting or factors available, that we successfully find on, or off line, in our Internet Safe ⓒ Safe verify department. 

Become one of the first Grand Fathered lucky 7777 clients.

Account numbers starting with four, sevens, begin at 77770001,



Pro tip:

Combine all of your awards, certifications and membership logos into a "trust box" similar, but smaller, shadow box as seen in our footer, bottom of this page below.

Do not just take our word for it,

see: The industry leader Orbit Media 27 Things That Can Go In Footers, # 20. Awards and Certifications:


Special skills are typically not needed, to install Internet Safe LLC, Certificates, and hyperlinks, similar to digital product apps, as seen bottom of this page in our footer.

Website owners and can quickly install, our products into their website footers, like any other images or pictures, then add links.

Or forward to their website Tech - webmaster to install.

If you need help, submit a support ticket, were glad to help.

More about our licensed products

By confirming, with a click, on our hyperlink embedded, logo Safe certificates, footer apps, installed in your website footer, that open in a choice of small popup pages, or in a new tab full size window, information, some containing low risk factors about your company website, some of qualified Legal App lists and directories, of InternetSafeⓒ, about specialized areas of practice, if ably equipped, level of readiness, willingness, skills, and or availability to take on new clients, and more, learned instantly.
Our little "footer app logos", known as safe certificates, are designed to proclaim your integrity and instill confidence in your website visitors your website is safe, with the comfortable atmosphere created not only by using, our licensed, certificate hyperlink embedded, Footer Design, logo apps, but just by seeing them visible, on every page, of your website, in your footer, as third party declarations, of website trustworthiness, adding high credibility, to "every page of your website," as great forms of verified, verifiable social proof.Just as If you’ve ever won an award, adding the logo for the award to your website footer, in a shadow box with certificates is a quick way to add credibility to every page of your website.Certificates AND Awards of InternetSafeⓒ, are the most powerful ways to leverage the “Halo Effect" on every page, of your website"If after your company website, has been Safe Verified, at any time later, you are able to provide your account manager, proof and or evidence, that you now have, secured sufficient proper amount of online business insurance, and Cyber Policy, coverage, and or are bonded, to suffice,with a SSL cert installed on your website browser, then you can be(Safe Certified), with related certificates, licenses, logo apps including of (Official Certified), for (Safe Purchasing), (Paying Safe),(Certified Site), (SSL Secured), created and sent to you for delivery, after installation visitors can see your website is (Safe Certified), and feel even more comfortably assured, they are (Paying Safe).Make no mistake, as greed and dishonesty in the world grows, new scammers and malicious scam websites going live, every day, at some point some day soon, almost no one, will do any business, with any website, unless it's at least Safe Verified by InternetSafeⓒ. So you want to be at the top of our FIRST GRANDFATHERED IN COMPANIES.As we grow, in a short time InternetSafeⓒ is targeting to become a household name, everyone, will share to Safe Verify, all websites. Much more InternetSafeⓒ improved research tools are coming to be added for expanding, research automation, Internet Safe LLC will become a top television, radio, and social Media future industry leading advertiser of the mid 2020'sSo get your startied Grandfathered in now, because pricing may change, as we go viral our costs, and Pricing may go up if you are not price locked with today's "forever price" subscription!

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What we do for you is our reward

Your personalized logo apps, will be created, and delivered by your V.I.P. account manager assigned. Account Licenses, personalized dated and numbered, Hyperlink, Footer Apps, linked to our pages, that if you qualify to receive as Safe Verified, will be

created at our home office, by hand, and delivered online with pride.
Your Safe Verified, order for research leading to account creation,

with other certificates you have been qualified to receive,

will be created and sent for delivery in 3 to 7 or more days !

Were leveling the playing field for lawyers, law firms and Attorney offices. Rejecting multiple listings from the same giant law firms.
Only 1 listing is allowed per street address or county.

Please no referral flippers: If the largest percentage of your Income goal is from flipping or referring potential clients to other law firms for a cut, then please do not subscribe.

Created to serve, professionals with the highest integrity level

like your self.We serve you first "in areas of the legal industry, and medical industry websites", learning from our first customers suggestions, from GRANDFATHERED in attorneys, lawyers, law firms, doctors.

Our licensed safe certificates apps:

Are a footer design strongest website foundation, corner keystone of any worthy, online company website, a growing necessity to have, in your corner of the web, to build your business upon, in your competitive industry.

SSL certificates, are a good thing

You do need a SSL certificate changes your website browser from http: to https: the "s" for secure, showing a padlock.

See our: SSL Certificate were once reserved for banks are now mostly just meaningless cheap SSL's getting closer to a dime a dozen every day, handed out like cheap candy, are not even good enough 2020's, or in the future !

Any one can now, get common SSL certificates, fast, easy and cheap,

Not just any one can get a InternetSafeⓒ SSL certificate, or certificate logos, they are not for sale, not obtained so fast, not obtained so easy, or cheap. All InternetSafeⓒ certificates are awarded free, by research results merit only.

After you are Safe Certified, (see products page) , if you do not already have a SSL Certificate, we will then issue you and install our very highly honored (SSL Secured input output) certificate on your website domain record (free) after your approved.

Your (SSL secured) input/output SSL certificate will show a lock in your website browser our (SSL Secured io) (browser certificate) is included FREE at N/C,

Note: YOU MUST BE (Safe Certified) for us to issue your website footer hyperlink (logo certificate) - (SSL Secured io) with license to display. These hyperlink logo certificates awarded free from approval after extensive business, company, and website, Safe Verify research completion, then Safe Certified only "(IF)" approved with proof of business insurance and cyber policy.

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It's All  About Your Website Reputation'
Learn how your website visitors "potential customer clients," confirm your website reputation with a click, on your
Internet Safe LLC ⓒ Independent third party research awarded custom numbered, licensed, legal industry website footer apps, and or Safe Certificates, live hyperlinked Apps.

Small, Medium, Large Businesses subscriptionsAnnual fee calculated by annual net sales, are divided into

12 easy non refundable monthly automatic reoccurring

subscription payments.

The first payment also creates your application for approval request and consideration, free Digital Content with License's to be awarded only to qualifying websites who are approved.

Learn more at: Licensing, Agree to terms, see: Products hyperlinks:

Subscriptions, Checkout at Pricing.

Note: Attorneys, Lawyer Law Firm Practitioners
All the above professional magazine subscriptions also include: Same Safe verify research, and Safe Verified, awarded Safe Certificates as Small, Medium, Large Businesses receive. First payment creates your application for approval request and consideration, free Digital Content with License's to be awarded only to qualifying websites. The main difference as attorneys are listed in our Attorney Database, must use caution with the use of any word or phrase containing the word "safe" same as "best"on your website, even if as in this case as it is only about just your website, as use of Safe verified or Certified certificates may violate your state ethics rules.

It is your responsibility to verify ability or violation of use with your states governing body ethics opinions on advertising.

Note: SEO Safe Certificates and Legal app certificates suggestion

1. Add a bit of related but unique keyword content text on a page of your website about our related certificates, with your account number near each of our safe certificates in your footer design.

Be uniquely creative. Examples:

Check out our internet safe certificates bottom page.

See our app certificate bottom page.

Click on our Safe Verified live link certificate below.
Click on our Legal App or Injury Advisor, live link certificates.
Or simply: click to see we are Safe Verified as Safe Trusted.

Attorneys, Lawyers, Law Firms, Doctors state Licensed Bar,Board, or Court Regulated Professional Groups Subscribers of the highest education level groups or doctorate groups, including but not limited to: Partnerships, multiple associates, medical doctors, Doctors of Jurisprudence, Lawyers, Attorneys, Law firms, state licensed of 1 or more associates:
Our rotating Lawyer Magazines subscriptions include: Attorney Magazine, Law firm Magazine written by Attorney Authors. Your submitted articles to our legal industry publications that will start as bi-annual then quarterly rotating online virtual issues not open to the public, protected view for at least the first 1st 2nd or few years, and hopefully some year in near future could be made available to the public, with new and back issues physical copies could possibly be available for print and delivery some day depending on our rate of future financial success. Annual subscription fee's are divided into 12 easy non refundable monthly subscription payments. The first payment creates your application for approval request and consideration, free Digital Content with License's to be awarded to qualifying websites, who become approved, to use as your state Ethics Rules allows. Added cost per each additional professional, associates or partners, magazine access with added associates also added to free attorney database listing. 

The future is here the time is now, that most website visitors demand websites be Internet Safe

Website visitors are getting more sophisticated every day, scrolling down the website landing page they visit, to the website footer checking website footer designs more closely, for more information about the Company website they visit, sometimes looking for a small 2nd mini menu, a "site map" of important pages, that links other pages not found in the main menu, like contact, affiliations, associates, associations, refunds, returns, privacy policy, differing types of payments accepted, verifiable awards and third party safe verified confirmations, certificates, and declarations, before acting.
The public, is now learning InternetSafe LLC ⓒ products as time moves forward in the 2020's InternetSafeⓒ are the new 21st century best tool options, to Safe Verify, any website to be of good trustworthy reputation with upstanding moral and ethical standards, before converting from a suspicious, Leery, and weary of scam websites, cautious timid visitor, to an informed, confidant, comfortable and trusting website customer by our approved independent research declarations, helps convert over to solid paying customers.
We are the next big new wave of the future you need to catch and ride early. Website visitors before even beginning online interactive engagement, way before thinking about conducting business with anyone, any business, any company, or you, especially before checkout, on any website, soon will must always need to be SafeVerified ⓒ first, so they can be confident they are PayingSafe ⓒ, at your SafePurchasing ⓒ, SafeCertified ⓒ, on a Safe Trusted ⓒ, eCommerce website!

Our great new clickable, powerful, personalized, Safe Certificates, registered, date stamped confirm-able licensed, by InternetSafeⓒ, as a InternetSafeSiteⓒ, linked with reputation of SafeTrustedⓒ, linked as one of our World Websites SafeWebsitesⓒ are calls of action to justify, safe verify, seen in the footer design of your website, on every page of your website, welcoming your visitors to to affirm you, your business company website, as Safe Verified with a comfortable atmosphere created for your visitors, to feel safe, continuing business engagement growing your company bottom line.

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No public or attorney account creation sign/up or login

required, for Attorney Database intake or attorney genie search tool:

Users may be asked to verify email to prevent spam from the unauthorized.

Founded in 1969 by our family funded, (Free Education Law)

"upheld" see: Landmark decision that set our social passions,

missions and goals to spotlight "Unjustness".

Leading by providing the platform encouraging attorneys,

lawyers, law firms and law makers, to share by their posts, on our

lawyer magazines, on how to right wrongs, legally, within the law,

by law, far into the coming centuries.